Weekend group

Forced to put off learning Spanish and English because of your busy work schedule? At Altolevel you can take a full Spanish and English course only on weekends.

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40+ students have already signed up for the weekend group

4 classes

number of classes per month

32 lessons

length of time per level

up to 6

number of peoplein the group

How Spanish and English courses are held on weekends

In each lesson we introduce new vocabulary and grammar. We explain them slowly and carefully, with examples of their use. The teacher then asks questions about the new vocabulary and grammar and the student must answer using the structure of the question.


Weekend classes are held on Saturdays from 10:00 to 13:00. The duration of one class is 3 hours.

Practice in pairs

By practicing what you've learned in conversations with other students, you'll have an easier time expressing yourself in Spanish and English and memorizing useful constructions.

Individual checking of homework

You get feedback from the teacher on each sentence without wasting time in class.


You will learn Spanish and English with real professionals. We have experienced teachers with a philological or pedagogical education and a high level of Spanish and English language skills.

Communicating with speakers

Starting at level A2, we invite native Spanish and English speakers from different countries to participate in group classes. This will teach you to understand the accents of the Spanish and English language and help you overcome the language barrier.


You do not need to buy textbooks for each level. All the materials you need for classes are provided by the school.

The result of group classes

Talented teachers

Why attend Spanish and English courses for beginners when you can buy the magic "Spanish and English for Dummies" and learn the language on your own? A talented teacher can simplify and speed up the learning process based on your wishes and goals.

At Altolevel Centro you will be taught by professionals with pedagogical and philological education, teaching experience and perfect Spanish and English. We entrust Spanish and English lessons for beginners from scratch to the best.

Communicative methodology

We teach Spanish and English to beginners from scratch with our author's program, which is based on the communicative methodology. This means that our Spanish and English  lessons are based on conversational practice instead of endless theory. Most of the time you'll learn to express yourself beautifully, build dialogues and communicate on different topics.

Интересные материалы

Вам не нужно покупать учебники по испанскому для каждого уровня. Учебные материалы, адаптированные для начинающих, предоставляет школа.Чтобы мотивировать вас изучать испанский язык, уроки в нашей школе проходят интерактивно и разнообразно. Вы будете читать полезные тексты, смотреть и обсуждать видео, слушать песни и делать интересные упражнения.

After each level you receive a certificate

Our programs comply with the CEFR standard (six levels of proficiency from A1 to C2). They test your Spanish and English at four proficiency levels: speaking, writing, listening and reading. The oral part of the exam is assessed by a native Spanish and English speaker after the level is completed.

How do individual courses with a native Spanish and English speaker


At the first lesson your teacher will assess your level of language skills, you will get to know each other, evaluate his/her methodology and you can ask all the questions you are interested in.


You can learn Spanish and English any day of the week at a time of your choosing, and you can also choose the number of classes and their duration.


Practicing with a native speaker will help you overcome your fear of communication, communicate your thoughts and defend your point of view. In time, you will not only speak but also think better in Spanish and English .

Weekend group

Forced to put off learning Spanish and English  because of busy weekdays?
At Altolevel you can take a full Spanish and English course, attending classes only on weekends.


*If you pay for 10 lessons at a time

Reserve a seat
What's included:
A selection of relevant training materials;
From 60 to 100 new words;
Four to ten grammatical constructions;
More than 10 hours of speaking practice;

Popular Questions

What are the conditions for canceling or rescheduling classes?

An individual lesson can be cancelled or rescheduled 24 hours in advance. Otherwise the lesson will be charged to the student in full. Rescheduling a group lesson is possible only with the consent of the entire group.

If I have a floating schedule?

In this case, it is recommended to choose the format of individual classes. You can make an appointment with the teacher about the date of the next lesson at the last lesson or schedule a time 24 hours in advance.

Do online classes differ in effectiveness from offline classes?

We have developed a program that provides effective training, both online and offline.

What platform are the online classes on?

Group classes are held on the platform of Skype. Individual - on request of the student (Skype).

A trial lesson at Altolevel

Do you want to study at a modern Spanish and English school? Fill in the application form and we will tell you when the next trial class will be and how to get there.

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